tirsdag den 4. november 2008

Fun weekend

Hi all.
Just got of work and im tired, so not gonna write alot, just post the pics... guess thats what every1 wants anyway ^^.

Still trying to get those new waterspells....

And still dont have any... Look at that rich Deep Sea Crabman in the bottom of ss o.o

Joined Credence and got on a couple of hunts with them, so far i had really good time in here and enjoying it alot :)
Went on a lasta4f hunt.

No really good drops, besides Long sword of pretender king...so not all bad.

I didnt get to SS all the bosses, but we managed to get all bosses on 4f, with about 3mins left on time... good hunt ^^.

Later that day i went hunting ToI 92f with Sk8 and Thorrin...
Drops sucked..

Ran in to Mambo Rabbit on my way to shipwreck, drops coulda been alot worse, but i got the feeling its gonna be hard to sell this.

So if any1 needs a mambo hat and wants to buy 1, whis me ^^

So i had a extra pair of +7 Bracer, i got from a trade earlier this week. was trying to sell them for a couple of days. But in the end i got impatient, and decided to blow up.
Didnt wanted to blow just the bracers so i bought 3 +5 homr`s and 3 Bzel´s to blow before nzelling bracers.
The outcome =

LoL... I dont know what happend lately, but i been so uber lucky :D.
Now i dont have to buy +8 bracers, and i sold the homr for 12m :D
Cya in game..

fredag den 31. oktober 2008


Hey all....

Not much been going on... mainly trying to get those new water spells, but no luck so far >.<

I killed way more than those on heine 4f, but i forget to SS sometimes >.<.

Went on a few hunts with Smallville in Shipwreck also trying to get some water spells, no luck there either !!!!

Me and small mananged to kill Chief mermaid just the 2 of us, was really hard, since the spawn in shipwreck seems to be like ToI after maintaince... We had 3 or 4 other mops on us besides Chief mermaid and his adds, but couldnt get to kill it, cuz ever time we moved just 1 step another 2 mops would appear. We had to try a couple of times... Last time we both brought 300 Aojs and we managed to kill it, was alot of fun :p

Team up with PsychoDad and Auggie the otherday because Chief and squid both were up, but we lost Squid and only got to kill chief acouple times >.<, and drops sucked ofc...

PsychoDad asked if u could random tele in shipwreck, i wasnt sure so i tried it out... turns out that u can lol... but now i was lost from my party >.<

I couldnt find them, so i started to use all my mp on Rtele...

Guess that made me look like a bot or something..

This was happend next.

GG stupid monitors... should go places where the bots are, instead of bothering real and legit players >.

Thats all.

Boring post i know QQ


mandag den 27. oktober 2008

New ep. Siege, Bosses

Hey all ( if any still reads this :P)
With the new episode here i got the motivation back to start playing and start updating blog again.
Not alot has happend, cuz I still get bored of this game after being online for about 10 mins.
I been hunting alot in Heine Cave 4f lately trying to get lucky and get some of the new water spells for my elf.

So far i havnt gotten much luck.. couple C and N scrolls but thats all.
Couple days ago on the way down there i ran in to Elindaire... She almost ended me, because i forgotten all about soft ac and how weak i´ve become since the new episode has arrived.
I Think she died when i was down to like 50hp, and would most likely have died if she had lasted 1 or 2 seconds longer hehe.

Ndai @.@.
Went to Lasta 4f yesterday before the siege with Focus5D, Rosegarde, CKII, Anklar, Elvanspirit and Conal.
Unfortunatly ES and Conal had to go just as we were rdy to enter 4f, so was only the 5 of us left to hunt 4f.
Its so much fun and pretty intense to hunt down there when in a small party, we had Focus run around with the adds and the rest of us on bosses.

We ended the hunt after bout an hour and a half on 4f because we didnt have enough dmg to do the bosses and adds in time, and got teleported away a couple of times.
We made it to the 3rd boss,and it was alot of fun.
This only "drop" we got.

IGG siege was up after the hunt, The 300 had made a surprise attack on us some days ago, and we didnt have time to take it back.
We attacked from the start and had the castle back in around 10mins, and keept it under control till the end, with out them comming nowhere near the tower.

More ended, my "fast SS taking skillz" still needs a bit more practice. ... I Died too lol, i was in a rush to get there, so in all my haste i forgot to put on my MR set \./, couple X11 took advantage of that... GG :)

This one made me laugh so much
Next time he will listen to what the dwarf tells him!! :D
Sorry sometimesoon this was just too funny to not post :D
Siege went past good and all the rants and trashtalk were kept to the minimal.
Unfortunatly this dumb fuck had to go and runing that, talk alot of shit.

He said alot of stupid shit like this, but i didnt get to ss it all.
Few minutes before the siege Bejeebers called demon up.
I ran up there and we tried to kill him just me and Bejee, but i ran out of mana to fast, and we had to get back up
QkissesQ cam up and helped and he died.
Yes Yes i know cheap demon, why do we even was our time on him.
All junks...
Oh yea and Demon Staff...
I was shocked when i saw it, couldnt believe it.
Split 3 ways, should be a nice profit :D
Thats all for now.
Hopefully i got more to post about next couple days.

fredag den 28. marts 2008

Monitors = Retards !!!!!!! >.< !

So this happend just a few mins ago....

Was standing in werldern being bored, and thought id make a trip to ToS to look how the bots were doing in there, and see if i maybe could get a lil place where i could walk around kill a mop or 2... But everyone knows with the bot population in ToS thats pretty much impossible..
So i was walking around in there, hitting what ever i was able to hit. And i ran in to this guy GoRrEGrRsPon botting in 1 of the corners... I found a way to beable to hit the mops in "his" area without him attacking them, so i kept going for about 10-15mins, after i started to see how easy it was to see that he was botting... I started to watch his every move, every step... see when he would hit a mop and when he would just let me kill it... I had it all figured out and decided to call a monitor (for probally the 5th or 6th time).. So after spamming global for 5 mins i finally had Monitor78 whisper me, and this is how our conversation goes :

So as u can see i basically told him what to do, asked him to stay invis so i could show him, where exactly the bot would go and what it would do.
So when the bot was out of the screen the monitor pops out of invis to show me that he was there, and then he went back in to invis, and i started explain to him.

But then... while i was in the middel of showing him the bots movement, the bot headed back in to my screen, and this retarded monitor then pops back out from invis and starts talking to the bot. Ofcourse the bot responded in a second, with what ever chatmode or alarmmode thing that goes off when ever a player talks to you or a monitor is near, or what ever it does.
This pissed me off so much, I even asked him to stay in invis and watch me show it to him, so he could see that i knew what the bot was doing and i wasnt just guessing my way, so he could have some "real" prove that this was a bot... even tho i think if the monitors actually went to the bot masters house and saw them botting, they still have to spend a couple months "investigate"/Drinking coffee/ wack off or what the fuck ever the monitors do.

kk, so here goes the rest of our conversation... i mean... Monitor swinging feets up on his desk, getting his coffee, finding his lube etc, and puts me on their auto talk BS they always give you.

kk, thats it... i guess if every monitor is a useless fuck like this guy, we will just have to live with the bots in ToS and everywhere else...

Sorry for my language... i was just so close to running my mouth at this monitor on global, but im pretty sure that he would see that, and give me a perm chat ban or just ban my account...So i decided to go here and run my mouth instead.

Happy hunting... or... yea...


mandag den 24. marts 2008

long time no post

sry for not post in a long time...
But i been pretty busy and i havnt rly got much to update about QQ.

Been spending alot of time with Nokia and Smallville in Lastavad 2f lately... Not many good drops there but the exp been nice
Nothing great.. we were kinda hopeing to get a 5mp regen ammy for nokia but no luck so far :P.

I Didnt get to play much during event, so i didnt really get great during that, Some of the drops from lasta was during event too btw.

Before the event we (SLM) wanted to take Diad for ppl to be able to hunt in Resist during the event.
But apprently some1 from x11 didnt like the idea of us helping ppl, so they started draggin mops, to us and then go invis, so we failed at taking the castle.

Unfortunaly x11 dont have the guts to show up for a seige where we are not busy kill 150+ mops... but thats not really a surprise to me....

Got me self a new toy last week :D

Thats all for now....
Ill be leaving Lasta again soon, so hopefully ill get alil more to post about :)

søndag den 9. marts 2008

boring update x.x

Not much been going on lately... spend all my time in ToS or FI...But Zyxial keept yelling at me to update, so ill just make a short update to get him off my back... >.<
Oh oh oh oh.. almost forgot... been killing a few bosses the otherday... damn... did we get rich or what ?!?!

Noobmage found both Iris and Demon.
Most of the drops ended up on Nokias bears, AG was the only 1 i could get in range to pull some drops off.
So bet ur all exited about what the drops were...
kk ill tell ya.
Iris = Ndai/Nzels,12kAdena and 2 rubys.
Demon = TQD and 11k Adena.
AG = # Braves, 2 diamonds, and 10k Adena.
Jeez, what a waste of time.... >.<

On my way to 70f i ran i to these twins chilling on 66f.
Never seen that before :P 2x reapers :P
Me and nok ran down to end them after we killed Iris...Ofc none of them dropped anything.

Okay... so the bosses drops really sucked...

I spend couple of days on FI... Lets see if my luck changed over there.

Nope... it didnt change... still sucks...
KK, nothing else really happend.....

Gratz to this babo.. AkA. Ken Server No1 Jindo puppy killer Zyxial on lvling to 66...
Gj bro... 4 more to go :P

Oh yea... to finished it all off...
This happend yesterday.
Gained 11hp/4mp and -2 ac on the lvl up. Was pretty happy with the 11hp, guess the 4mp could be better, but i dont really care :)
And -2 extra ac is always nice.
Thats all for now folks...
Cya around

onsdag den 5. marts 2008


Aden siege going on atm... just as boring as it normally is, so what better time to make a new post than now :).

Lately i been spending some time in ToS getting exp and trying to get earrings. That gotta be 1 of the most boring places to hunt, but the exp is pretty good and i really wanted those earrings, so after spending around 4 days I got these yesterday
56% to go in there to get lvl2 QQ.

I had a +7es and a +5fts on knight, and decided to sell them, but since no1 wanted to buy em, i decided to blow them up along with a homr and Bcomr... what luck QQ.

The other day NoobMage called Iris was up, so LCDTV, KissKitt,ChaTaeHyen, Noobmage and I went to kill her.
Drops wasnt great, but ive seen worse.

Heres a few drops we gotten from Ken & Cerenis lately o.o
Woulda posted these last time, but i wanted to ask Papa is it was okay before posting :).

Not much happend last 2 days... been lvling on FI mostly and went on a 81f hunt with nokia and lepo... drops sucked... nothing new in that.
Got total of 4 Czels up there and the Relic of Maphr lol.
Thought the Demon Gloves drop where pretty cool, u dont see that very often and as far as i know its only drakes on FI that drops em, so i believe thats where i got em from...
Unfortunaltly they not worth very much, so i ended up selling them for 2m >.<.
I walked past Snowphoenix on FI today....
Damn, thats hardcore hunting FI in Goblin Morph lol !

And to finish it all off i would like to congratulate NonSmoking on lvling to 52 a few hours ago :) Remember to whisper him and say gratz to him :)

Good job bro :)
Thats all for now. I hope this post was abit more interresting than last one..
Take care all and cya ingame :D